2021 |
Outdoor thermal stress changes in South Korea: Increasing inter-annual variability induced by different trends of heat and cold stresses | Science of the Total Environment |
기상응용연구부 | 신주영 |
2021 |
Determining Multiple Thresholds for Thermal Health Risk Levels Using the Segmented Poisson Regression Model | SOLA |
기상응용연구부 | 신주영 |
2021 |
High resolution wind speed forecast system coupling numerical weather prediction and machine learning for agricultural studies – a case study from Sou | International Journal of Biometeorology |
기상응용연구부 | 신주영 |
2021 |
Determination of thermal sensation levels for Koreans based on perceived temperature and climate chamber experiments with hot and humid settings | International Journal of Biometeorology |
기상응용연구부 | 강미선 |
2021 |
Relationships between Aerosol and Raindrop Size Distri- butions during Rainfall Period (Changma) in Jeju Island, Korea | Atmosphere |
기상응용연구부 | 정운선 |
2021 |
한반도 목적별 인공강우 실험가능일 추정 | 한국환경과학회지 |
기상응용연구부 | 정운선 |
2021 |
Sea Surface Height Changes due to the tropical cyclone-induced water mixing in the Yellow Sea, Korea | Frontiers in Earth Sciences, section Atmospheric S |
관측연구부 | 강기룡 |
2021 |
G-band (183 GHz) 수증기 라디오미터의 가강수량 특성과 품질 관리 | 한국지구과학회지 |
관측연구부 | 김민성 |
2021 |
황사장기예측자료를 이용한 봄철 황사 발생 예측 특성 분석 | 한국기상학회 대기지 |
예보연구부 | 강미선 |
2021 |
The internannual synchronization of the heatwave days in Korea and western North Pacific tropical cyclone genesis frequency | International Journal of Climatology |
예보연구부 | 차유미 |