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Comparison of XCH4 Derived from g-b FTS and GOSAT and Evaluation Using Aircraft In-Situ Observations over TCCON Site | Asia Pacific Jornal of Atmospheric Sciences 보기
기후연구과(종) | Samuel Takele Kenea


Evaluation of Simulated CO2 Concentrations from the CarbonTracker-Asia Model Using In-situ Observations over East Asia for 2009–2013 | Advances in atmospheric Sciences 보기
기후연구과(종) | Samuel Takele Kenea


Seasonal Variations in Temperature–Suicide Associations across South Korea | Weather, Climate, and Society 보기
응용기상연구과(종) | Adam J. Kalkstein


Water-soluble ionic characteristics of aerosols in the marine boundary layer over the Yellow Sea during the KORUS-AQ campaign | Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 보기
환경기상연구과(종) | 차주완


Improved Dust Emission Reduction Factor in the ADAM2 Model Using Real-Time MODIS NDVI | Atmosphere 보기
환경기상연구과(종) | 이상삼


Aerosol Physical Characteristics over the Yellow Sea during the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign: Observations and Air Quality Model Simulations | Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 보기
환경기상연구과(종) | 임윤규


Quantification and evaluation of intra-urban heat-stress variability in Seoul, Korea | Int. J. of Biometeorology 보기
응용기상연구과(종) | 브리타예니케


Leaf Wetness Duration Models Using Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms: Application to Farms in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea | Water 보기
응용기상연구과(종) | 박준상


Evaluation of Rainfall Forecasts with Heavy Rain Types in the High-Resolution Unified Model over South Korea | Weather and Forecasting 보기
인공지능기상연구과 | 송환진


Characteristics of drought propagation in South Korea: relationship between meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological droughts | Natural Hazards 보기
응용기상연구과(종) | 배혜득

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기상청 기상자료개방포털 새 창 열림
풍력 태양광 기상자원 홈페이지 새 창 열림
국립기상과학원 ARGO홈페이지 새 창 열림
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